I definitely inherited my love for sending/giving cards to others from my grandmother. She still sends me cards with handwritten messages at least once a week. They usually talk about what is happening in her life, my families' lives, and her saying something to make me realize how much she cares. Now these are in normal handwritting either. She writes in calligraphy on every one of them. If there is a holiday, she sends one for sure and I don't mean Christmas and Easter... I am talking everything from The 4th of July to St. Patrick's Day. My grandmother, "Mamaw", has been sending me cards for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I used to read them then they eventually ended up in the trash. However, once I got to college, I realized just how special they were. I began keeping them and now I have a whole box. It's nice to be able to look back on them. Some are addressed to me from my Mamaw and Papaw. My grandfather passed away my sophomore year, so these are nice to have as memories. One day when my grandmother passes away I will have all of these cards to remember her by. Anytime I check the mail, I am always eager to see if she has sent me one. I look forward to getting them and they never fail to leave me with a smile. I also hope to keep the tradition going by sending cards to people I care about. Emails, Facebook, text messages... they just don't do the same thing as a nice card.
Two cards I received from her recently. |
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